Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Fall Update 2013!

Welcome Back to BUF!
I sincerely hope that you had a wonderful summer!  I don't remember ever having such a beautiful July in Bellingham. It was an amazing time to stay in town and revel in all the Northwest has to offer. I had some magical moments in nature-- the reward of making it to Oyster Dome on a sunny day can't be compared! And I also had some very cozy times at home with family and friends. 
     Our trip to Denver in June was bitter sweet. We spent time with extended family, mourned the passing of Peg's father and I went to medical appointments with my brother. If you know me, then you know I spent a lot of time pondering deep questions about meaning, mortality, and purpose.  At one of my favorite shops in Denver, I found a beautiful book of Day of the Dead traditions and activities. I was inspired to bring these ideas to BUF and we will explore them in October. My experiences with family made me think about ways to support you and yours and how to let the strength of our community hold us as we journey. I look forward to us being together this fall!  Please consider participating in any or all of the following: 

First Community Night Dinner
Wednesday, September 11, 6:00 p.m.
Community Night Dinners resume! There is a new team coordinating dinners this year-- watch for menu announcements and more in the Midweek Update. Dinner costs $5.00 for adults, $4.00 for children and $12.00 for families with small children.

Family Forum and Potluck: 
Religious Education at Church and at Home
Friday, September 13, 5:30 dinner, 6:15 program
This year we will be experimenting with a new program called Family Forums-- they will usually happen on the second Friday of each month. Some forums will be for adults only while children have other programming; some will be for the whole family.  This first forum will be multigenerational! We will begin with a potluck meal in the social hall, families with children in the same classes will be encouraged to eat together and discuss ways to live UU principles as a family.  We will then move upstairs where our program will introduce you to the theme and structure of RE this fall and also explore and encourage ways to bring UU rituals and traditions home.  Each family will create an alter box to bring home that can be used to augment your religious traditions. ALL families are welcome!

Multigenerational Ingathering
Sunday, September 15, 10:30
Be sure to bring some water that represents some aspect of summer journeys to share in our annual water communion ceremony!

First RE Sunday!
Sunday, September 22, 
Classes begin-- This will be an important Sunday for your children to participate in to set the tone for the fall theme-- UU History as told through the stories of UU Superheros! The teachers and I are looking forward to seeing everyone!

Middle School Con-- 9/27-29
Friday, September 27-29, Vashon Island!
Last year we sent our first BUF contingent to Middle School Con.  I accompanied 5 youth on a wonderful UU adventure and am really hoping we have enough interest to send a contingent again!  Please let me know if your son or daughter is interested in going... I will send registration materials to middle school families as soon as I have them!

More Information Coming Soon...
All Church Retreat (SAVE THE DATE)-- 10/4-6
OWL for grades 7-8 Parent Orientation-- 10/1
Family Forum: Dia De Los Muertos-- 10/11
Fall Harvest Festival-- 10/19
Halloween Carnival Celebration-- 10/23
Multigenerational Worship-- 10/27

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